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PALESTINE WILL NOT FALL, THE RESISTANCE WILL CONTINUE! The “Aqsa Operation” carried out by numerous Palestinian organizations on 7 October 2023 is now entering its first year. Following this operation, the Zionist Israeli state escalated its long-standing violent attacks on Palestine, massacring nearly 42,000 Palestinians, including children. By focusing on Hamas’s involvement in the operation, Israel has accelerated its attacks, …

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Take to the Streets on September 1st Against Imperialist Aggression and Fascism!

September 1st is a day of struggle against imperialist aggression, unjust wars, fascism, and racism. The Second Imperialist War, which began with Germany’s invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, claimed the lives of millions. The aggression of German imperialism under Hitler, which plunged the world into war, is remembered as a dark stain in human history. Consequently, September 1st …

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Piroğlu için Düsseldorf Sırbistan Konsolosluğu Önünde Eylem

DÜSSELDORF| 03.06.2024| Sırbistan’da 2021 yılının Haziran ayında tutuklanan ve Türkiye’nin iadesini istediği siyasi mülteci Ecevit Piroğlu, görülen 3 iade davasının da reddedilmesine rağmen iade kampında tutulmaya devam ediliyor. Bu durumun son bulması için 12 Şubat’ta açlık grevine başlayan Piroğlu’nun sağlık durumu giderek kötüleşiyor. 113 gündür açlık grevinde olan ve 48 kiloya kadar düşen Piroğlu için birçok eylem ve etkinlik yapıldı. …

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Londra’da Politik Tutsaklarla Dayanışma Sempozyumu

HABER MERKEZİ| 20.05.2024| Londra SOAS Üniversitesi’nde Politik Tutsaklarla Dayanışma Sempozyumu gerçekleştirildi. 2 oturum olarak yapılan sempozyuma Peru, Sri Lanka, Tamil, İran, Kolombiya, İngiltere, Türkiye ve Kürdistan’dan konuşmacılar yer aldı. Tutsakların Sesi Platformu (TSP) Uluslararası Politik Tutsaklarla Dayanışma Komitesi (UPOTUTAK) ve Kürt Halk Meclisi tarafından organize edilen sempozyum Londra’nın SOAS Üniversitesi’nde yapıldı. Sempozyum bileşenleri adına açılış konuşması yapan İbrahim Avcil, Kobanê …

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The Ingoing Armenian Resistance Artsakh, Rojava and the Diaspora!

Dear friends, The anniversary of the Armenian Genocide is nearing, and, in times like these, we can imagine no better way to honor our fallen ancestors than to deepen our collective commitment to resilience and struggle. One of the most uplifting and important ways we can do that is to come together with like-minded Armenian collectives around the world and …

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Stuttgart’ta Umuda Haykırış ile Birlikte “Politik Tutsaklarla Dayanışma” Etkinliği

STUTTGART| 18.12.2023| Stuttgart Tohum Kültür Derneği tarafından her sene sonunda geleneksel olarak gerçekleştirilen kahvaltı etkinliği bu sene Umuda Haykırış katılımıyla “Politik Tutsaklarla Dayanışma” şiarı ile düzenlendi. Yüze yakın kişinin katıldığı kahvaltı dernek yönetimi adına yapılan konuşma ile başladı. Yapılan konuşmada Dünya üzerinde savaşların ciddi bir noktaya geldiği ve buna paralel olarak egemenlerin saldırısının artığı bir dönemin içeresinde olunduğunun altı çizildi. …

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The armed resistance against the Zionist state of Israel, called “Operation Aksa Flood”, which includes various organisations in Palestine, is justified and extremely legitimate. The state of Israel, which has been cruelly persecuting the Palestinian people for decades, has responded to the armed resistance with massacres again. In successive statements made by the sovereign states, they gave “messages of support …

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The people of Morocco woke up to the heavy loss of an earthquake in the early morning hours of September 9, 2023. The 6.8 magnitude earthquake, centered in the El-Huz region of Marrakech, was felt in Rabat, Casablanca, Meknes, Agadir and Fes. According to public information, the earthquake has caused heavy casualties. As of September 11, the lifeless bodies of …

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Global climate strike on 15 September 2023

Together against exploitation and oppression The annual climate strike is coming up and the Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe (ATİK) calls on you to participate in demonstrations around the world on this day. Let us make a powerful statement together, rising up against the ruling order. Millions of people are on the run, not only from wars, but …

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THE WAR OF THE RULERS IS DESTRUCTION; LET’S RAISE THE STRUGGLE AGAINST DESTRUCTION! Due to the anniversary of the 2nd Imperialist Sharing War, which started with Germany’s invasion of Poland, 1 September has started to be celebrated as “World Peace Day”. These wars of aggression, in which the rulers both cause and play the victim, bring destruction on the front …

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