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Freedom for Political Prisoner Saibaba!

Dr Saibaba, Indian political prisoner who is 90% has been held in Prison in India, has been denied treatment since March and left to die in prison. His health has deteriorated in many years in prison.

The application made to Supreme Court for Saibaba, who has a life-threatening chronic illness, held in the Central Prison of Nagpur, India, but his brother’s house, which he cited as an address, was rejected because it was located within the limits of the COVID 19 quarantine. The hot summer weather of Nagpur has a bad effect on Saibaba’s immune system and triggers illnesses. The penalty postponement applications of Saibaba, which is already in poor health, considering that the health will deteriorate with increasing temperatures, has been rejected.

Dr Saibaba, unable to use neither of his hands due to his disability has asked for a care person, but his application was denied.

For Saibaba, who could not go to the toilet on his own, could not meet his daily needs, could not pass from his wheelchair to his bed without help, his request to be released on bail was rejected, claiming he had “two assistants in prison”. However, the “two assistants” court is talking about were two other prisoners who assisted Dr Saibaba with their goodwill and are no longer wanting to help because of their own conditions. Dr Saibaba has been left alone, unable to get out of his bed, constantly fainting. The application for care person has been rejected once again.

Family members of Dr Saibaba has requested the judicial authorities “to be fair” and requested that Saibaba to be released on bail so he can receive the medical treatments he urgently needs. Their application was denied.

International solidarity is needed for freedom Of Dr Saibaba!

We call on all international public and human rights institutions to be in solidarity so that Saibaba can be freed and treated in a healthy environment. Send a protest letter to the Department of Justice of India and demand freedom for Saibaba and all political prisoners in India.

Freedom for Dr Saibaba

Freedom for all Political Prisoners

Long Live International Solidarity!